
Ocean News | The Hurricane 2020 division has just established a new list

Ocean Storm

Ocean News | The Hurricane 2020 division has just established a new list.
The Atlantic Hurricane Division has finished naming hurricanes for the 2020 season. This is breaking a brand new record for the number of storms in a single season.
The last storm is a Subtropical Storm called Theta. It developed in a single day in the northeast Atlantic, approaching very quickly to the European coasts.
This fact breaks the record approached only in the Hurricane season with the famous Katrina that had seen a very high number of storms within the Atlantic basin. Follow here the update.

ocean storm

But it is not over yet, and here is the ocean news of the day!

Atom, a new tropical wave is approaching the Caribbean Sea with a good chance of turning into a tropical storm or a new hurricane
As we know that the hurricane season should end in November, but Atom could extend it a bit beyond the official date!

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