Made for Ocean Lovers

OceanWish is a multicategory portal that unites ocean lovers to support and promote the local businesses of our coasts, emphasizing their authenticity and ecological spirit.

Kelly Slater’s ‘Biggest Man-Made Wave’ in the World Is Opening Soon The wait is over…almost. After months of hype and glimpses at Surf Abu Dhabi – the latest synthetic surf pool from Kelly Slater Wave Co., located in the United Arab Emirates – the world is finally going to have the opportunity to surf the ...
Seas are predicted to rise a foot by 2050, regardless of how much global carbon emissions can be reduced. Why is this happening, and what can we do to adapt? {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
The United States and Europe’s weather is shaped by the Gulf Stream, which is continuing to slow down as more fresh water enters the current {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Premier fabricant français sous marque propre, UWL Surfboards prépare son arrivée dans la commune. Un investissement d’environ 1,7 million d’euros pour une ouverture prévue en novembre 2023. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Challenger Series is the ultimate battleground for surfers to showcase their talents for the chance to qualify for the elite Championship Tour (CT) LOS ANGELES, Calif/USA (Tuesday, March 22, 2022) - Today, the World Surf League (WSL) released the updated schedule for the 2022 Challenger Series (CS), the ultimate battleground for surfers to showcase their ...
Canada is saying BYE to plastic! 🇨🇦  The Canadian government has officially added plastic to its list of toxic substances, paving the way for the implementation of bans on single-use plastic straws, shopping bags, six-pack rings, takeout containers, and cutlery. The legislation will also force plastic producers to pay to recycle their waste, shifting the ...
Nikon è partner di Radar Magazine per Sailing for Blue Life - FotoNews Nikon è partner di Radar Magazine per Sailing for Blue Life. il progetto di turismo, ricerca e citizen science. Nikon ha fornito alla squadra dei fotografi di Radar Magazine per il progetto  di citizen scienze Sailing for Blue Life, diversa attrezzatura, tra ...
L’inventore che sta ripulendo i fiumi - di Marianna Meffe Il mestiere dell’inventore sembra qualcosa alla Archimede Pitagorico, una nicchia che può esistere solo nei fumetti. Eppure questo lavoro c’è chi lo fa davvero. Boyan Slat: potremmo definirlo un ingegnere ma questa definizione forse non gli renderebbe pienamente onore (e lo dico da… {{ ...
Apple TV+ has ordered a new six-part docuseries series from Box to Box Films and the World Surf League (WSL) that will provide a behind-the-scenes look at the aspirations, failures, and accomplishments of the world’s best surfers as they battle for the WSL Title and struggle to remain on the elite WSL Championship Tour (CT). ...
Maker Faire Roma: uno skiff “sostenibile” il progetto giuliano in... 06.12.2020 - 10.17 - Dopo l’edizione triestina, la Maker Faire approda anche a Roma: oltre 300 invenzioni verranno presentante nell’occasione della fiera dell’innovazione “più importante d’Europa”. E non mancano, tra idee, progetti e prototipi sottoposti... #maker #MakerFaireRoma #MakerFaireTrieste {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Ocean News | The Hurricane 2020 division has just established a new list. The Atlantic Hurricane Division has finished naming hurricanes for the 2020 season. This is breaking a brand new record for the number of storms in a single season. The last storm is a Subtropical Storm called Theta. It developed in a single ...
Smart working in crociera: l’ufficio con vista sul Mediterraneo a prova di Covid Dopo i controlli di rito e il tampone negativo per tutti, passeggeri e personale, si parte da Genova a bordo della Msc Magnifica per un giro con varie tappe nel Mediterraneo occidentale e orientale a prezzi scontati. Sulla nave si può lavorare ...
The practice of aging liquor on the water goes back hundreds of years when producers needed to ship their barrels to customers around the world. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
OCEANWISH exists to provide ocean lovers and visitors with plenty of awesome information and tips. We give free visibility to support the development of the local economy of our coasts; we give voice and visibility to talented oceanographer researchers. Passion reliability and respect for the environment are our values clic for more inspiration The Story ...
Così ho navigato 1000 miglia di bolina in oceano (con un 9 metri vecchio 50 anni) Quando l’Oceano chiama è difficile non rispondere. Vi racconto la mia traversata da Capo Verde a Madeira su uno Scampi 30 del 1971. Non senza problemi {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
From coral farming to 3D printing, scientists are using novel methods to save a vital part of our ecosystem {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Sylvia Earle: What the ocean can teach us about hope in hard times Near her 85th birthday, the science icon known as Her Deepness reflects on the value of conservation during the COVID-19 pandemic. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
The Peaks and Troughs of California Seamounts » Marine Conservation Institute Featured Image: An orange basket star covers a yellow Picasso sponge at Davidson Seamount, approximately 75 miles off the California coast. Courtesy of NOAA. Seamounts Are Oases of Life Seamounts are found all across the world’s oceans, acting as small oases of life dotting ...
Whether you’re seeking ideal surfing or swimming conditions or prefer a secluded spot for sunbathing, there’s a beach in Southern California for you. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Ocean ecosystems are more sensitive to climate change Climate change is having a bigger impact on animals and plants in the ocean than those on land, according to new research. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
The world’s deep oceans are warming at a slower rate than the surface, but it’s still not good news for deep-sea creatures according to an international study. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
These Caribbean countries are reopening for tourists next month - Lonely Planet As COVID-19 restrictions ease all over the world, a few Caribbean countries have begun the process of reopening to tourists for the summer months. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Antonello Lanzellotto "Tutto iniziò a Panama, fu amore a prima vista!" clic for more inspiration Gli inizi Tutto è iniziato a Panama, mi trovavo in vacanza con alcuni amici nella splendida isola di Contadora ed era uno dei miei primi viaggi ai Tropici. Una guida ci portò a fare il bagno a Las Cuevas de ...
Une équipe internationale de chercheurs a évalué la vulnérabilité des mammifères marins face au changement climatique. Les espèces présentes dans trois régions sont particulièrement touchées. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
The manmade parks are free for anyone to use from boaters to fishermen, kayakers, stargazers and swimmers. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
This is a quick and easy weeknight dish with pantry staples like spaghetti, canned tuna, and capers. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Grèce : Spetses, la dolce vita dans les îles Saroniques, un reportage de la rédaction de Avec les reportages du guide du routard, découvrez en photo le monde avec un regard de routard. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Il condimento più veloce e più buono che c’è. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Après avoir vagabondé sans le sou à travers les États-Unis, puis s’être essayé à la vie de pirate et de chercheur d’or, il est devenu auteur à succès jusqu’à ce que son appétit démesuré pour l’aventure finisse par avoir raison de lui. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
L’algoritmo “marino” modificato per dare la caccia al coronavirus - Osservatorio IA «Il mio modello serviva a identificare le nicchie ecologiche e cioè a individuare, data l'osservazione delle abitudini di un certa specie ittica, dove sarebbe andata a stabilirsi», spiega. Oggi è uno degli approcci più utilizzati al mondo, ed è stato usato anche per ...
Beach Craft How to decorate your space to make it looks like you're living on the beach! Here are some creative and interesting DIY ideas {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Oceanwish "Une innovation gagnante!" clic for more inspiration About Le Néoprène bien qu’utile à de nombreux sportifs, reste l’un des pires ennemis de notre planète. Dérivé du pétrole, sa transformation nécessite de nombreux matériaux toxiques et son empreinte carbone est très élevée. Polluante et non renouvelable, cette matière doit être pensée autrement. Un rêve que ...
A View of Lizzie Beach In her series Lizzie Beach, Sally West, an Australian artist, is depicting the beauty and joys of days at the beach. The way she’s using her impasto technique {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Oceanwish 100% à la main en France, à La Rochelle" clic for more inspiration L’Aventure Le premier couteau FAROL est né en 1995 aux Açores, îles portugaises volcaniques au milieu de l’Atlantique, dans le carré de Rinpo’ché, un voilier en escale. Le skipper, Sylvain Berthommé, fait le tour de l’Atlantique en famille et le soir ...
Vintage Travel Posters Are Reimagined for Social Distancing A creative designer makes home seem as exciting as the outdoors with messages like “Surf Your Couch.” {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
France "Un goût d’orient pour vos papilles" clic for more inspiration About Le basmati est une variété de riz aromatique à grain long et fin qui provient traditionnellement du sous-continent indien. Le basmati a été introduit au Moyen-Orient et en Asie centrale par des commerçants indiens arabes et musulmans. Il reste non seulement un élément ...
Sara Brewer and Ann Prestidge have completed a 3000-mile rowing adventure across the Atlantic Ocean, making Sara the oldest woman to have ever done it. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Spain "So quick and so delicious that you'll became addicted" clic for more inspiration About Fideuà (dialectal pronunciation of the Valencian word fideuada "large amount of noodles") is a seafood dish originally from the coast of Valencia that is similar to paella, and even more so to arròs a banda, but with noodles instead of ...
Our Oceans from Above Tobias Hägg, également connu sous le nom d’Airpixels sur les réseaux sociaux, est un photographe et vidéographe né et basé dans la banlieue de Stock {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Case Study - San Diego - Smartfin SMARTFIN LAUNCH The Smartfin Program officially launched in May 2017 with a pilot program in partnership with the Surfrider Foundation San Diego chapter The San Diego Smartfin pilot was conducted with three main goals in mind. Fin Adoption In order to test our fins, we wanted to build ...
Planes will this week cover areas in the southern half of the reef that escaped earlier bleaching but may have undergone high levels of heat stress {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Yoshi, secourue il y a plus de 20 ans par un aquarium sud-africain, a finalement été relâchée dans l’océan. Aujourd’hui, elle parcourt l’océan Indien continuellement surveillée par ses sauveteurs. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
World The complete guide to travel at the time of Coronavirus In this period of fast growing of coronavirus infection, continuous changes are reported to travel around the world. As of Saturday March 14th here you can find the list of the countries with a complete ban. Countries With A Global Ban On Entry And ...
JC Jean-Chrisophe "Quand l océan arrive dans nos assiettes Buon appetito" clic for more inspiration Preparation Il est fondamental de choisir le type de pâtes approprié pour cette recette. Nous avons opté pour les "Linguine" qui, avec leurs formes de spaghetti aplaties, ont la capacité d'absorber les saveurs des sauces en blanc. En effet pour cette ...
France "the best you can get from this Stuff" clic for more inspiration About Basmati is a variety of long, slender-grained aromatic rice which is traditionally from the Indian subcontinent. Basmati was introduced to the Middle East and Central Asia by Arab and Muslim Indian traders. It remains not only an important part of various ...
In 2016, a major earthquake wiped out whole animal communities, sending impacts reverberating up the food chain. Earthquakes can disrupt sperm whales’ ability to hunt for up to a year, according to the first-ever study to look at the effects of the temblors on marine mammals. On November 14, 2016, … {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
L’île des Embiez faisait partie de cette liste de destinations aux airs de cartes postales découvertes sur la blogosphère, qu’en bonne… {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Planète bleue. Ce surnom, la Terre le doit aux 3 milliards de milliards de tonnes d’eau qui recouvrent 70 % de sa surface. Un réservoir dont l’origine est encore discutée. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
From Aruba to Maldives, here are the best snorkeling locations around the world for the most stunning wildlife {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}

They are the pioneers of modern surfing; from James Cook to George Downing, a select group of people has been instrumental in helping to transform the act of riding waves into a proper sport. Because of their vision, we now have surfing.

BY CLARE LESCHIN-HOARA new study finds that tuna harvests, including of some species considered {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
A documentary reveals the story of two South Africans who ride the asphalt of Johannesburg to collect recyclables. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}

At the Ocean Institute in Dana Point on September 12, there will be showcase a gallery of work from the five 2019 finalists.  First up is 25-year-old Shane Grace, from Haleiwa, Hawaii. Here is how he shot this unbelievable Read here

È passato quasi un anno da quando ho deciso di lasciare il mio appartamento per comprare una barca e venirci a vivere. Mi fanno i complimenti perché “ci vuole coraggio a fare una scelta del genere” ma si sbagliano: ci vuole coraggio a restare a terra, non a prendere il largo. L’unico vero rimpianto è …

The Blue Carbon Initiative aims to mitigate climate change thanks to the restoration and sustainable use of coastal and marine ecosystems (mangroves, tidal marshes, seagrasses). This initiative has two angles: policy and science. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}

Scientists are mining data from whaling vessels to better understand the climate change Read more

Interview with 5 Gyres, Sailor Scientists Fighting Plastic Pollution Introducing 5 Gyres, a global science-to-solutions organization studying the plastic pollution in the ocean and holding the polluters accountable. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Add smoky barbecue spices to salmon for a flavorful make-ahead meal Smoky barbecue spice rub adds bold flavor to simply roasted salmon. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
The Best Small Beach Towns in the United States From Washington to Virginia, the AFAR team pick their favorite seaside spots. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
I mobili Ikea nascono dalla plastica del Mediterraneo La nuova vita della plastica raccolta da 1500 pescatori spagnoli sulle coste del Mediterraneo {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Scientists are putting antibiotics into the ocean—on purpose. And it’s our only hope. A mysterious new coral epidemic is ravaging reefs across the Florida Keys. Antibiotics are just one part of a massive rescue operation with little time to spare. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}

Our selection of the 20 best beaches in the world – from Ireland’s Atlantic Coast to the Seychelles

How to Grill Seafood for the Very Best Results It’s not just shrimp on the barbie, mate. Most types of seafood benefit from the quick cooking and smoky flavor of grilling. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}

Sospesa a 40 metri di altezza sopra Fairhaven Beach, paradiso dei surfisti attorniato dal verde dei boschi. Read more

Les huitres sont consommées depuis plus de 2000 ans. Lors de fouilles sur l’ile d’Oléron, des coquilles d’huitres ont été retrouvées datant de l’époque gallo-romaine. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Vous cherchez un endroit sympa pour pratiquer le kite surf à Oléron ? Vous n’aurez que l’embarras du choix parmi les meilleurs spots pour kiteurs débutants ou chevronnés. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}

Plus de 1 000 km de pistes constituent le réseau cyclable de la Vendée ! Parmi ses itinéraires figurent ceux de la Vélodyssée sur le littoral. Read more here

Plastic wrap contributes to the larger plastic pollution crisis, it’s difficult to recycle, and it’s made from potentially harmful chemicals, especially as they break down in the environment. Is there a better solution? Clic here

Surf Expo 21^ edizione, si prepara a partire l’evento cult dell’estate 2019 dal 18 al 21 luglio a Santa Severa. Special Guest Justine Dupont.

Sovrapesca, reti illegali, plastica: nel Mediterraneo - racconta un report del Wwf - gli squali sono in declino a causa dell’uomo {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
From July 10th to 14th, at Fraglia Vela Malcesine, Lake Garda, Foiling Week will launch the initiative ″We are all in the same bottle″, the goal is to stop single-use plastics on the Lake Garda. #stopusingleuseplastic. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Enjoy ramen noodles in the summer with fresh lobster Turn ramen noodles into an elegant dinner with lobster, fresh herbs and sweet soy sauce. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Un retraité breton, Michel Legay a peut-être eu l’idée du siècle avec ce poisson-poubelle géant. A découvrir dès cet été sur la plage de Sarzeau dans le Morbihan. {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
Dodging snakes and Piranha surfing the Pororoca {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}

Our selection of the 20 best beaches in the world – from Ireland’s Atlantic Coast to the Seychelles

Hossegor is one of the most popular beach breaks in Europe. The local surf spots provide world-class waves surrounded by a unique environment.

Rules of the Lobster Roll For many New Englanders, lobster rolls are synonymous with summer. Classic lobster rolls come in two main styles, ... {{ vc_btn: title=Read+more&color=default&align=center& }}
La combinaison éco-responsable pour les clubs et les écoles qui s’engagent Avec la Blue Line, la marque française Soöruz signe une grande première : équiper les écoles de voile et de glisse avec des combinaisons éco-conçues. Matériaux innovants, matières recyclées, longue durée de vie… La combinaison école adopte en 2019 une démarche d’éco-conception pour un ...

From teaching the locals how to swim to holding skateboarding workshops for the village school, we spoke to Forbes Asia 30 under 30 honoree, Ishita Malaviya.

Check out this analysis of what makes Slater’s paddle so powerful. You might want to grab some paper and a pen.

The ocean feels heat waves just like the ones on land, and underwater life is struggling to survive them.

Nonostante il rapporto del WWF si avvicini al concetto, non riesce a identificare il capitalismo come la causa dei problemi ambientali.

Una città per 10.000 persone, pensata per le popolazioni minacciate da eventi meteorologici estremi

The good news is that it is quite easy to learn the basics of surfing. No doubt about it. Let’s just say it requires a few balance skills.
In fact, the majority of surfers will tell you that surfing has a relatively smooth learning curve and that you can get started pretty fast.

Fortified wetlands can protect shorelines better than hard structures

Du 29 juin au 10 juillet, La mer XXL vous plongera dans son univers unique. Vous croyez bien connaître les océans ? Attendez-vous à découvrir une exposition hors normes dans laquelle vous découvrirez comme vous ne l’avez encore jamais vue la mer, ses ressources, ses richesses, sa beauté.

The East Coast’s first international surf star passes away at home in Florida.

They are the pioneers of modern surfing; from James Cook to George Downing, a select group of people has been instrumental in helping to transform the act of riding waves into a proper sport. Because of their vision, we now have surfing.

Blue Flag Bringing positive change through excellence
Photo by Nick Karvounis on Unsplash

It’s lightweight and simple to use. Just grab your favorite hydrofoil equipment and sail away.

6 – 14 Aprile 2019 La passione per il mare e per lo sport all’aria aperta sono gli elementi che hanno spinto Marine Village e il Tognazzi Marine Village a organizzare questa prima edizione del Kite Festival – Città di Roma.